Ade, Anne, Olivia and Edward to Shirl

Created by Adrian 4 years ago
We would like to pay tribute to a very special and irreplaceable person in our lives – our much-loved sister-in-law, Shirl.
We struggled with what to say at first, but there are so many beautiful things that we want to say about Shirley. 
And it wasn’t just Trevor who fell in love with her.
Shirley was not only beautiful on the outside;she was a wonderful sister in law and Aunt in every way. She has a true zest for life and fun with our brother, Trev, our family and her friends. Shirley loved the sun and her travels both abroad and within the UK.
As one of Trevor’s younger brothers, Shirley was a constant in my life and a big sister in every way to Rick , Glen and I. My earliest memory includes the weekly sweets which as the “little ones” Shirley bought us every week. My parents were always “Mum and Dad” to herand we truly loved her. I especially remember our Christmas’s, card games, trips to Knebworth golf club and Sunday lunchtime drinks with a fabulous roast dinner to follow.  All our special family celebrations had Shirley there. 
For every memory that I share here, there are hundreds that will come flooding back every time we think of Shirley.
How did she love us? She accepted us for what we were, flaws and all. She included us in her life with her presence, her love and her encouragement. She was always interested in us and our families as they grew. 
Words cannot describe how much she will be missed. I feel like we still had so much time to spend with together.
She will live on forever.
You were chosen by my brother
He chose you to be my sister
And we are the ones that are blessed